How I Can Help

People often tell me they love the things I teach, but they need help to integrate them into their life. It's a brave thing to ask for help, and I'm happy to assist. 

My intention is to help as many people as I can, so I have created a couple of options to support you in your journey.

Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, find love, or enhance your personal growth, I have something special for you.

I trust that as you scroll down this page you will find one that fits your needs.

Much love- Ken

Get ready to create your dream life

Self Study Online 

Designed for the busy individual who likes clear lessons and powerful exercises, but needs flexibility in when they study. If you find it hard to commit to a specific time to attend a class or mentoring session and like to have 24/7 access, this is for you.

If you are a fan of the book Follow Your YES or simply someone who is interested in learning how to connect with your divine guidance so you can live a life where you go from YES to YES to YES, then this is a great place to start. 

The Follow Your YES program is your daily guide to making following your YES be your new default operating system. I personally take you through essential lessons and activities for building up your YES following muscles.

If you're serious about moving out of Maybe-land forever you need to check this out. Click the button below for all the details.


I discovered the process of going from Invisible to Irresistible while walking through a rose garden in Portland, Oregon over 20 years ago. Since that time I have been helping women from around the globe to bloom and fully express themselves so they can attract the man who is a perfect match for them.

”When the flower opens, the bee appears”

- Ancient proverb

Sadly you may have been wounded, betrayed, or worse, leading you to close up in order to protect yourself. This is a natural response, but it causes you to become invisible to the person who is a match for the beautiful gift of you that is now hidden away.

I am on a mission to help women like you to feel safe to open up, express themselves, and blossom so you can attract your bee.

Are you ready to bloom and be irresistible?

I want to be irresistible ➔

instead of being frustrated, annoyed and disappointed by them?

In just 10 days you can permanently transform your relationships with the men in your life, without compromising yourself as a woman.

This program has helped women all over the world and it will do wonders for you too!

I'm Ready To Feel More Confident with Men! ➔

Are you wondering if your partner is truly the one, or if it’s time to move on? Imagine this:

What if just three key questions could give you the clarity you need to know, without a doubt, whether your relationship has a future or if it’s time to explore something better?

What if you had a proven method to get honest answers to those questions, putting an end to all the uncertainty and overthinking?

And what if you knew exactly what to ask, and how to ask it, so you wouldn’t have to figure it out on your own?

Good news—there’s now a quick, effective way to find the answers you’ve been looking for...

I'm Ready To Get Some Answers ➔
No More Ostrich - Barb - Arizona

I was that person who looked like I had it all on the outside but felt empty on the inside. I was living a lie.

Ken, you have engaged me in a process of growth that I can’t put a monetary value on. 

In the past I’ve been an ostrich and stuck my head in the sand when confronted with problems and situations that I didn’t want to face. I told myself, if I didn’t think about it or talk about it then it didn’t really exist. In relationship problems I would just run because I didn’t know how to get through them.

You taught me how to honor my YES and have the courage to live it. I have never been this confident before. I now revel in facing the problems and situations I used to avoid. Thank you so much for believing in me!

One-on-One Mentoring


Custom tailored guidance is the fastest way to reach your goals in love and personal growth. If you like the idea of having a mentor who walks along side you to show you exactly what to do and helps you reveal the beauty, brilliance, and badassery you didn't know you had inside, then you'll love this option.

Personalized instruction is proven to be the most powerful way to accelerate your progress.

By working together one-on-one I can direct you around the potholes and pitfalls that always show up as you travel on your path to a happier, more successful, and fulfilling life. I'm by your side every step of the way.

I work with you in a safe, secure virtual setting to personalize the formulas and principles to exquisitely integrate with your individual life situations.

All your questions will be answered so you'll never worry about when, where or how to move forward.

There are a limited number of openings available for this level of support, so if one-on-one mentoring interests you, be sure to schedule a discovery session with me right away to see how well we match. 

schedule your discovery session here ➔
Happier & More Joy - Cindy - Georgia

For years I was trapped in my mind chasing things that really didn't matter to me. I thought I would never break free. Then I started my one-on-one sessions with Ken. 

I have gained so much knowledge and clarity about what I need to have a happier and more joy filled life. Ken's teaching style and advice is so clear, simple, very easy to follow, and highly effective.

Studying with Ken is one of the best investments I have ever made, and I will be able to use all the knowledge and skills I learned from him in all aspects of my life.”

Heart Healings


What you may not know is that for over 25 years I have provided energy healings for people from every continent on the planet.

In a Heart Healing I utilize my gifts as an intuitive to read your energy and provide insights on where your energy is stuck and blocking you from the love you desire, and then I walk you through how to get it moving again.

The fastest way to improve your physical reality is to shift the energy you are creating it with!

If you want to release your love blocks, heal your heart, and end your cycle of disappointing relationships, then schedule your Heart Healing today.

schedule your Heart Healing here ➔
No longer stuck - Deb - Colorado

Ken, you shed light on an essential ‘sticking point’ nobody else had ever noticed before.

It was like you pulled the thorn from my paw, that even I did not realize was causing me pain and suffering. This was an extraordinary experience, and one I would recommend to anyone.”