You are invited to go fromÂ

Imagine if You Had a Step-by-Step System to Go From Feeling Overlooked and Underappreciated to Attracting the Man Who is a Perfect Match for YouÂ
Are you ready to round out your list of life accomplishments with a healthy, romantic partnership?
What if:
You had a simple formula for creating deep, meaningful connection with the man in your life, without losing yourself and contorting into someone you're not, just to try and make him happy.
You knew exactly what to say and when to say it to have your man honor your boundaries so you felt heard and respected?
You found balance between your work, family and love-life, so you could stop running on empty day after day.Â
You knew how to shift out of “pleaser mode” and find balance between the giving and receiving?
You had a simple tool to inspire your man to take action and support you in your needs?
What if you felt safe to love again? Instead of fearing you are not lovable enough and hiding the real you, you could relax and fully express yourself so you draw in the person who is interested in you completely - inside and out.
This is exactly what is available to you in the Invisible to Irresistible program, so you can attract a man who loves, cherishes, and adores you?Â

"I had multiple Ah-Ha moments thanks to Ken’s ability to connect the dots that I could not see for myself. I still have breakthroughs as I continue to process the information that I learned in my time working with Ken. I am having so much fun applying all of these the new skills in with my new boyfriend.”
- Patricia L.

“I have you to thank, Ken. You gave me the inspiration, permission, and courage to be authentically me.”Â
-Â Lauren A.

I learned years ago that the best answers are the ones that come from within. These days most people look anywhere but within for an answer.
We Google it. We post on FB asking for advice. We phone a friend, ask the waiter, or try to mimic what some celebrity is doing. The problem with this is now your life is being designed by someone else.
Unlike countless other programs that declare they have the perfect system for how you need to live your life, I guide you in connecting with your Inner Authority so you can live your life in alignment with your true essence, not someone else's idea of what's right for you.
This solution works because it empowers you. You take command of your life instead of giving control over to some "expert" who claims to know what is best for you even though they don't know you.
- Dramatically reducing your stress levels.Â
- Sleeping better.Â
- Being excited to get out of bed in the morning.
- Having more energy throughout your day.Â
- Feeling more joy with your loved ones.
Experiencing the freedom, ease, and clarity that's available to you when you trust the Divine guidance that is your Inner Authority.
And having all this guide you to your perfect match.
The person who aligns with you, compliments you, and enhances you.
A true partner to share your life with.
Would you like a life like this?
If you're thinking this all sounds kind of woo-woo...
I hear you.
And woo-woo is only woo-woo until it's what you do!
PLUS - It Works!
Here's what Invisible to Irresistible graduates are saying...
"This course was FABULOUS!
Kinda SCARY cracking my disfunctional vault of "SAME OLD/SAME OLD" dating habits which have GOTTEN ME NOWHERE over the past 20-30 years!
Your examples and analogies are so relatable and easy to understand. They made it simple to implement what I was learning.
I was amazed how quickly great guys started noticing me.
YOU/Ken really do know how to "Teach An Old Dog...New Tricks!"...(a cute, outgoing, fun loving, 51 y/o one)"
- Denise J. - Ohio

“I have noticed such a huge difference in the type of man I'm attracting. It's so refreshing to be in a relationship with a man who just wants me to be happy and will do what he can to meet my needs.
I was on Match for a bit and using the things you taught in this course it was super easy to weed out people very quickly based either on my feelings or their response when I express a need.”
Tamara Z. - New York
"You saved me wasted time and hurt feelings and confusion and anxiety and stress and inner turmoil and resentment and tension and frustration. You gave me freedom and ease and clarity. This is priceless. I can never thank you enough.”Â
- Lynn T - Massachusetts

"This has been absolutely the best investment I have ever made in myself.
You helped me see how scared and closed off I had been, and then masterfully guided me in opening up and blooming.
I'm happy to report I am now dating a man who is unlike anyone I have dated before. I feel totally safe and comfortable being myself with him, and he is truly interested in me and what I have to say. It is amazing! Thank you.”Â
- Judy K. - Minnesota
“I feel so lucky to be working with you. This program has been amazing.
I don’t think I have ever been happier or more confident than I am right now.
- Melissa G. - Pennsylvania

“Through Ken’s persistence and patience I identified my needs and learned of their importance in a relationship. I also learned communication skills and how to stand up for myself without being emotional or angry. I used to get into arguments with the men I was dating all the time… NOT ANYMORE."
- Tanya S. -Â Arizona
How will this program change your life?

Save Precious Time
Stop wasting time stuck in the same unfulfilling relationship patterns you've been in for years, and start being respected and cherished for who you are.

Attract Your Match
Draw in the one that aligns with you so you can relax and be yourself, instead of playing games, contorting yourself, and settling.

Fewer Frustrations
Release your self-doubt and fear so you can stop second guessing, and step into your certainty when making decisions in relationships.

Stand Tall
Silence the voice of "not enough" and be confident in what you have to offer. Balance out the give and take so you no longer feel taken advantage of.
What you get...

100 Days of Personalized Support

Bi-weekly Private Coaching Sessions

8Â Custom Tailored Training Modules

30 Individualized Lessons

Guided Healing Meditations

Transformational Soundtrack

Full mobile accessibility

Lifetime 24/7 Access
Let's Talk Modules
The breakdown
All The Tools You Need to Build a Loving Partnership that Lasts a Lifetime
Take back your power so you can stop second guessing yourself, build your confidence and attract an amazing partner with whom you can share your life, even if you have always attracted the wrong guys in the past.
Your Needs are Needed
If a rose gets its needs met, it will bloom ... period. The same is true for you.
Your journey from Invisible to Irresistible begins with getting clear on what your needs are and owning them. Without this you will be in constant conflict with your irresistible essence and stay invisible.
Highlights include:
- Discover how the "your needs make you needy" myth is one of the main sources holding you back from being Irresistible.
- Learn a simple process for getting clear on what you need to be your best so you no longer second guess yourself.
- Develop powerful self-care practices so you can shift from worried to relaxed.
- Create the mindset that moves you from self-doubt to self-confidence and break free from the negative trap of beating yourself up for having needs.
- Engage in a quick and elegant process for recharging your energy that is perfect as part of your morning rituals, when you're heading into a meeting, or anytime throughout your day when you could use a little energy boost.Â

Permission to Bloom
To be irresistible you must bloom and fully express yourself. so you can attract your match. Eliminating self-defeating beliefs and behaviors is what frees you to bloom into the captivating rose that you are here to be. When the flower opens, the bee appears.
Highlights include:
- Release patterns of self-sabotage that are holding you back from love so you can move powerfully forward.
- Discover how prioritizing another's happiness over your own is blocking you from being irresistible, and learn how to flip it so your happiness and theirs go together without sacrifice.
- Enhance your sleep through a five minute practice that has you wake up more vibrant and alive than you have felt in years.
- Learn to embrace risk and cultivate the feeling of safety you need to open your heart and express yourself with confidence so you can create deeper connections. Â
Putting Yourself First
Putting yourself first is all about the quality of the people you attract into your life. When you put others first and give and give and give you attract takers. By putting yourself first you attract people who are supportive of who you are and what you need to be your best. These are teammates instead of takers.
Highlights include:
- Learn how to stack your deck of possibilities in your favor, instead of leaving it up to the luck of the draw.
- Break free of operating from fear and playing it S.A.F.E. when dating, and instead date S.A.F.E.R. so you draw in men who are interested in more than just sex.
- Strengthen your self-confidence through a guided process that awakens your heart and the certainty that you are worthy of love.
- Reclaim the fun and excitement of meeting someone new.Â

Setting Higher StandardsÂ
Who you are irresistible to is largely defined by the standards you set. The days of settling and putting up with feeling disrespected, under appreciated, or like you’re not a priority are over when you master setting higher standards as an invitation.
Highlights include:
- Transform the role of boundaries in your life from something that you dread to your best friend.
- Learn the little known approach to setting boundaries that men say is "HOT!"
- Integrate a higher level of standards that is guaranteed to keep you feeling safe in all your family, work, and romantic relationships.
- Special insights on why men do what they do and how to use this insider information to set yourself up to succeed in partnership so everyone wins.
- The #1 contributor to unnecessary pain and suffering in relationships, what makes it so devastating, and how to free yourself from ever having to experience it again.
Communication that Connects
One of the most important components in going from feeling invisible to being irresistible is Communication. By applying the advanced communication skills in this module you reduce misunderstandings, eliminate the need to repeat yourself, and deepen your connection.
Highlights include:
- Discover the secret to get a man to open up, how unbelievably simple it is to apply, and get ready for deep, meaningful conversations to be your new normal.
- Learn the little known formula for getting your needs met, why it inspires action, and how it opens the door to true partnership.
- The #1 missing ingredient in your communication, how it sabotages your relationships, and the simple solution that always leads to positive outcomes.
- Uncover the biggest stumbling block in communicating with someone you have feelings for, how to overcome it, and create a deep and lasting bonds based on true understanding. Â

Get Out of Your Head and Open Your Heart
Sometimes it feels like your head is your worst enemy. All the chatter, judgement and debilitating dialog is exhausting, and can make you feel anything but irresistible. Discover how to quiet this chatter, recalibrate your mind in a constructive way, and reconnect with the irresistible essence you were born with.
Highlights include:
- Learn a simple process to release the negative thoughts, beliefs, and messages bouncing around in your head so you can find peace and balance.
- Eliminate the tendency to judge, ridicule or beat yourself up when you let Joy be your compass.
- Discover your Irresistible Essence and reconnect with those alluring parts of you that have been hidden away for years so you can elevate your irresistibility with ease and feel loved completely.
- Liberate one of the most irresistible qualities of your feminine self by erasing a very debilitating myth and opening your heart and life to a river of love and support.
Being Magnetic
To be irresistible you must restore your natural magnetism and turn it up. This is how you unleash the mysteriously attractive, fascinating and charming parts of yourself that attract those who complement you and repel those who don't.
Highlights include:
- Discover how to safely reveal your naturally magnetic self by owning your truth and goals with confidence so the person those who match you can find you.
- Upgrade the vibrational signals you are sending out by eliminating one-sided relationships from your life and stepping up to supportive partnerships.
- Find the freedom to dream big by releasing the pressure to be perfect so you can feel as relaxed and comfortable being yourself with your partner as you are with your best friend.

Bring It All Together to Create an Irresistible Life
Complete your Invisible to Irresistible journey by creating a clear action plan incorporating your new irresistible life tools including the clear, simple way to make sure you are always shining brightly.
Highlights include:
- Connect the dots to see how this all comes together to provide you with all the tools, techniques and processes you will ever need to stay irresistible and fully magnetic.
- Learn about the Dance of Happiness, what’s your role and what’s his, and what to do to make sure you keep dancing happily in all your relationships.
- Create a clear guide of what you need to thrive, bloom and be your best, eliminate the guessing games so you can welcome in the love you desire.
All the tools, methods, and the skills you need to be irresistible are included.
Nothing is held back.
And just who will be teaching this course?
That would be me -Â Ken Bechtel
I discovered the process of going from Invisible to Irresistible while walking through a rose garden in Portland, Oregon over 20 years ago. Since that time I have been helping women from around the globe to bloom and fully express themselves so they can attract the man who is a perfect match for them.
”When the flower opens, the bee appears”
 - Ancient proverb
Sadly you may have been wounded, betrayed, or worse, leading you to close up in order to protect yourself. This is a natural response, but it causes you to become invisible to the person who is a match for the beautiful gift of you that is now hidden away.
I am on a mission to help women like you to feel safe to open up, express themselves, and blossom so they can attract their bee.
My passion for helping women to bloom comes from the fact that there are so many great guys who are looking for an amazing woman like you, but you keep missing each other like ships in the night.
I see this happen all the time and it breaks my heart. Which is why I am committed to helping you bloom and shine brightly so your ideal match can find you.
Are you ready to bloom and be irresistible so you can attract your match?
I'm ready to be IRRESISTIBLE!

100 Days of Personalized Support - Immediately upon joining the course you receive direct access to me personally. This is your life line so you can get your questions answered whenever they come up.
Bi-weekly Private Coaching Sessions - This is where we drill down and address your specific challenges, and practice what you are learning so you become confident in blooming. I make sure nothing is left to chance when it comes to your success.
8 Custom Tailored Modules - This is your step-by-step system for blossoming into your fullest expression so you can attract your matches personally, professionally and romantically.
30 Individualized Lessons - These video trainings cover everything it takes to upgrade your operating system and bloom so you attract the people, experiences, and opportunities that support you in continuing to bloom.Â
Guided Healing Meditations - These easy to follow meditations guide you in connecting with your Inner Authority so you can live your life in alignment with your soul essence. Â
Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Lessons - These priceless trainings are at your fingertips whenever and wherever you need them.Â
Full mobile accessibility - Easy to use mobile app. lets you fit in a lesson wherever you are in your busy day.
"Why'd he do that?" - When you understand how the masculine is distinctive from the feminine it provides a strong foundation to build happier, healthier relationships that last.Â
Masculine Energy 101Â -Â Clarify the differences in masculine and feminine energy so you never feel blindsided again.
Focus, Focus, Focus - Are men really ignoring you or is it something else? This bonus training demystifies this frustrating behavior.
Transformational Soundtrack -Â AÂ collection of specially curated songs designed to anchor the steps of the program in your subconscious mind.Â
Now it is time to talk...
If the Invisible to Irresistible program interests you, and you are ready to speak with me so we can see how well we click, I invite you to click the button below and schedule an introductory call with me.
Yes, I would like to speak with you about the program